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‘Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.’  Ephesians 4:15

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Our Mission

In between the first and second comings of Christ,

we speak the truth in love

to build His church here and in all the world.

Our Vision

A church that is overflowing with God’s grace to grow Christ’s church here and beyond.

We are praying and serving toward being a church in 2030 that is ALL of these things:

  • Big on biblical truth & Christ like love.

  • Raising up Christians to self-sacrificially serve.

  • Regularly seeing people become Christians (children, youth & adults).

  • Engaged in several ‘difference making’ partnerships with external gospel ministries. 

  • Running thriving children’s and youth ministries.

  • Running an established traineeship program.

  • Featuring a third congregation with a strong core of mission minded members.

  • In position to plant or re-pot a church somewhere in Sydney.

Our Approach

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Our primary work at HTK is to speak the truth in love.  The truth is what is revealed in the Bible about God, humanity and our world centred on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We focus our work on three different groups of people, speaking the truth in love to each other (within the church); to the next generation (children and youth) and to neighbours (unbelievers).  The ministry to all of these groups feed off and into each other.  This work will only be truly fruitful when it its conducted from the Bible, in dependence on God through prayer and enacted in Christ-like love. 


We believe if we focus our energies in this way, God will grow our local church in number and maturity with an overflow of fruit for Christ's lasting church.  These are the ultimate outcomes we strive for: prayer, financial & missional support, and the sending of individuals, families and teams into God's global harvest. If our work of speaking the truth in love is healthy & 'firing', it will generate significant multiplication of gospel work in all the world.   This is the approach of the 'speaking the truth in love engine' and this frames our plans for the next 10 years.

Our Plan

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We want to keep the engine 'healthy and firing' by 'tuning up' every focal point of the mission every three years.  Of course every part needs to be strong at any point in time, and we commit to labouring in each focus area at all times.  But we also assume a path of constant learning and improvement as necessary for the growing fruitfulness of our work, for increasing overflow over time. The long term plan of gathering a team to plant or repot a church somewhere in Sydney requires the raising up of a (predominantly) younger cohort of gospel servants, so we started in 2022 with a focus on bolstering ministry to the next generation, moved to an intensified season of evangelism in 2023, and want to strengthen our maturity in 2024. We will then repeat this cycle twice before the end of 2030, God willing increasing our contribution to the global church as we progress.


At different stages we plan to grow our staff team to sustain and accelerate growth in each area. We praise God we have  introduced our first trainee in 2023.  We are praying and working towards building our team such that  we can gather a team in 2029 & 2030 for 'the big send' at the start of 2031.

Reflections from Staff

Dave & Vision 2030
Kate & HTKids

Get in touch about Vision 2030:

© 2022 by Holy Trinity Kingsford.

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